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CV iuncturam

  • G & W Magnum Quality CV Articulis - Reliable perficientur enim Global mercatus

    G & W Magnum Quality CV Articulis - Reliable perficientur enim Global mercatus

    CV joints, also named as Constant-velocity joints, play an important part in car's drive system,they make the CV axle to transfer the engine's power to the drive wheels at a constant speed, because the CV joint is an assembly of bearings and cages that allows for axle rotation and power transmission at a number of different angles.CV joints consist of a cage, balls, and inner raceway encased in a housing covered by a rubber boot,which Repleta est Lubricating Grease.The CV compages includit interiore CV iuncturam et exterius CV iuncturam. CV interiore articulis coniungere in coegi sagittas ad transmissionem, dum exterius CV articulis coniungere in coegi sagittas ad rotas.CV articulissunt utraque fines CV axe, ita sunt pars CV axe.