· Strut monte
· Anti-friction afferentem
· Engine monte
· Transmissio montem
Imperium brachium · ·
· Shaft Support
· Imperium Armate Busing
· Flexilis quiddam
A strut mount is a component that attaches the suspension strut to the vehicle.One side bolts to the vehicle, the other side to the strut.So as the vehicle moves and goes over bumps, the up & down impact pushes and pulls at the mount.The mount's job is to cushion the impacts to reduce the jarring effect, noise and vibration that could transmit into the vehicle.
In multis fronte pedes, et strut, etiam includit in afferentem, quod est vagos ad. Uno utrinque vehiculum haec gestus agit gubernaculis. Afferentem est a critica pars quae afficit gubernaculo motus lenitate et responsio.
Similiter munus strut monte an engine monte est pars qui securis machinam ad currus gb, reduces engine vibrations et absorbet engine et per tres vel quatuor montes. In monte quod tenet transmissio dicitur traductionem mons, alii sunt ad engine aggeris.
· Superior Flexilis ad ferro vinculum pro diuturnitatem.
· High Polonica Chrome ferro ferens gentibus (ubi competit).
· II annis warantum.
· OEM & ODM Services.
· Praet> MMMDDDDD MMMDCC SKU PARTIBUS, sunt idoneus est viatoribus currus exempla exempla, Audi, BMW, Mercedes Benz, Citroen, Toyota, Honda, Toyota, Ford, Toyota, Toyota, Ford, Ford, Toyota, Toyota, Toyota, Ford, Toyota, Toyota, Ford, Ford, Toyota, Toyota, Ford, Toyota, Toyota, Toyota, Ford, Toyota, Toyota, Ford, Toyota, Toyota, Toyota, Ford, Toyota, Toyota, Toyota, Ford, Toyota, Toyota, Ford: